Sunday, 13 April 2008

Training 13th April 2008

Steve here---finally got back from China a couple of days ago, unfortunately could not find a suitable bike to train on out of the 9 million in Beijing while I was there, so I have a lot of catching up to do with Chuck.

My first Blog so thought I would put a picture of my bike since I just washed it--it's a Boardman Road Comp -so far so good, nice smooth ride and easy gear changes. Halfords also replaced my broken Boardman Cycle computer arm free of charge so I am very happy with their customer service.

Since I have not been on a bike for about 8 weeks now, I thought I would take it easy so did a short 15k out and about Nantwich. Not much to report other than I was a lot more knackered than I expected to be--maybe last dregs of jet lag?? I'll do a slightly longer run tomorrow just to get used to my cleats again-not toppled over yet but a near thing at one unexpected junction....

Will start building up again with Chuck next weekend--I need to try and put plenty of miles in over the next few months so that I can actually enjoy the ride across England this summer and not worry if I'm going to make it up the next hill!!.


Anonymous said...

That chain looks rusty.