Monday, 28 April 2008

Training 26 April 2008

Steve and I did a nice little run through Wrenbury and Marbury this past Saturday. The weather was cloudy and mild, with no rain. We managed a whole mile before one of us had a puncture (Steve this time). It turned out to be a failed patch with a bit too much pressure on it. A quick tube replacement and the rest of the ride was uneventful. We ended the ride with a sprint down a slight grade near Ravensmoor. I managed to finally break my top speed at that spot with a dizzy 61.5 km/hour (38 mph) with Steve right behind. A modest 30km (18 miles) covered during the ride followed by coffee and flapjacks.

After the break, I went with my wife Maile for a test ride on her newly acquired used bike. We made a short 12 km loop just outside of Nantwich. With the weekend ride and my three mid-week rides I managed to total up 120 km (75 miles). I am looking forward to next weekend with a long ride planned.


Monday, 21 April 2008

Training 20 April 2008

Should have stayed home. Since both team members are in the same county, it seemed a good idea to go for a ride together. I picked up Steve on Sunday morning, with my car, for the short drive to Nantwich. Upon getting to my house Steve found he was one cycling shoe short and one training shoe too many. He blames his cheeky granddaughter for the mix-up; I’m thinking that ‘vino tinto’ might be the cause. So, quick drive back to Steve’s to pick up his shoe. A less than auspicious start, the first sign we should have stayed home.

We finally set off by late morning, making sure we had all our gear. I even had a spare tube, just in case. As we pulled out of the drive, the rain was persisting down. It was that light yet determined rain which seemed to fill your shoes with water then work its way up until you are as wet as some really wet thing. Another sign!

We managed to get a few miles out of Nantwich when “Pttttisssss”. Puncture, oh bugger. With the cold rain now falling directly down my back, I managed to find a finger sized hole in my tube. “No problemo” I thought. I’ll put my spare tube on. That went great until the Presta Valve broke off, Nooooo! Now I had to patch the original tube with the hole from hell. After fitting a very big patch (can’t feel my fingers at this point) we managed to get the wheel back on the bike and pumped up. We were off! Managed to go maybe another mile or two when “Ptttisssss”. Steve saw that puncture happen from behind and remarked at how dramatic it looked. Dramatic my ass, I was thoroughly pissed off by this point! Do we send someone back for the car or try yet another repair. I was so wet and cold at this point I though, “let’s just get it fixed and head straight for home”. Another duvet sized patch was fitted and the tube inflated to a point with just enough pressure to make it home.

We limped into Nantwich Canal Basin and stopped at the Waterside café for a coffee and scone. The coffee there is top stuff. I enjoyed the snack, even with the small lake forming at my feet as my shoes emptied themselves of rainwater onto the floor. I won’t tell you how far we managed to cycle but let’s just say it was longer than a stones throw. It was only when I was washing the five pounds of mud off my bike when I found the cause of my problems. I must have hit a very sharp stone which punctured my Continental Ultra Gator Duraskin sidewall that, according to the manufacturer, has “a reinforced form and external protective shield over the entire casing to prevent cuts, punctures and abrasions”. Yeah right.

Better luck next time, I hope.


Thursday, 17 April 2008

We have a date set!

After hours (about 5 minutes) of deliberating (at the pub) we finally (three pints later) picked a date for our ride from Lowestoft to Land's End. We are going to set off on the 12th of July and hope to be done by the 19th of July. Now the hard work begins! Time to get muscle mass on the legs and condition those derrières to sitting in the saddle for hours at a time.

It’s also time to for you lot to show us the money! We are hoping to raise loads of money for Cancer Research UK. Cancer Research UK is the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research. They support research into all aspects of cancer through the work of more than 4,250 scientists, doctors and nurses. Over the past 10 years alone, thousands of lives have been saved through earlier detection and improved treatments. But, much work remains to be done if they are to achieve the aim of beating cancer. Charity Registration No 1089464

Donating could not be any easier. All of our donations are handled through Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor us: Cancer Research UK will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you. Just follow this link:

You can donate as little or as much as you like, from anywhere around the world. So please sponsor us now!

Monday, 14 April 2008

Training 14th April 2008

Just a short-ish run this morning---24k. Felt better than yesterday especially considering how (suprisingly) blustery the weather was--as Chuck remarked in previous post-how can there always be a head wind on a circuitous route? I know it was not being produced by my sheer speed which averaged a measly 21Kph !!- I am not exactly streamlined so maybe I was catching every gust ....
Still, I'm not too worried about speed, the ride is going to be more of a 'marathon' than a sprint, with plenty of time to 'stop and smell the roses'--- and taste the beers on the way!

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Training 13th April 2008

Steve here---finally got back from China a couple of days ago, unfortunately could not find a suitable bike to train on out of the 9 million in Beijing while I was there, so I have a lot of catching up to do with Chuck.

My first Blog so thought I would put a picture of my bike since I just washed it--it's a Boardman Road Comp -so far so good, nice smooth ride and easy gear changes. Halfords also replaced my broken Boardman Cycle computer arm free of charge so I am very happy with their customer service.

Since I have not been on a bike for about 8 weeks now, I thought I would take it easy so did a short 15k out and about Nantwich. Not much to report other than I was a lot more knackered than I expected to be--maybe last dregs of jet lag?? I'll do a slightly longer run tomorrow just to get used to my cleats again-not toppled over yet but a near thing at one unexpected junction....

Will start building up again with Chuck next weekend--I need to try and put plenty of miles in over the next few months so that I can actually enjoy the ride across England this summer and not worry if I'm going to make it up the next hill!!.

Monday, 7 April 2008

Training 6 April 2008

SNOW! Winter came back overnight and dropped a few inches in Cheshire. The morning was picture perfect but not conducive to riding! After a quick trip to work, I was ready to hit the roads as the snow quickly melted, leaving only a little on the hills. You may just be able to make it out in the picture below.

During the previous week I gave the bike a mini service due to it hitting its first 1000+ miles. I replaced the poor quality standard fitted tyres and tubes with some Continental Ultra Gator Skins and tubes. I also solvent washed the chain and sprockets with White Lightning Clean Streak and finished with White Lightning Epic chain lubricant. There must have been a pound of gunk that came off! I must remember to do this more often. The solvent came in handy once more as I de-shined my brake pads. The new tyres and service made a noticeable difference during my ride. I was a little bit quicker and the chain and derailleur were working very smoothly.

The ride itself was strange, how can the wind be head-on the whole ride, when you ride in a loop? To add insult to injury, I swear a large black storm cloud was following me. Just as I was pulling into the drive, the snow started to fall again. In all I coved a modest 56 km (35 miles). Steve is back this week. Hopefully he will have a good run at it this weekend. I won’t be able to join him as I am going into hiding over the weekend to commiserate my turning 40, aaaarrrrggghhh!
