The blog has been very quite for a few weeks. We are still in the grips of winter with sub-zero temps and icy roads. This is not at all what we want! Bring on the sun! I managed a couple of weekend rides over the last month. Nothing spectacular, just little jaunts to keep the legs moving. Mark and I are doing this sportive in a couple of weeks so I have been alternating between running and sessions on the turbo. Benefits of the turbo are a good workout and the chance to listen to music properly. Do you remember when you were young (a long time ago!) and you would sit down, or crash out, and just listen to albums right the way through uninterrupted? De-ciphering the lyrics, thinking about the rhythm and just generally enjoying it. Doing these otherwise dreadfully boring turbo sessions has given me blocks of time to do just that again. If it wasn’t for my iPod, I think I would go even more mental than I am normally.
My grand plan of becoming a car-less citizen has taken some great leaps forward. My work is now well within commuting distance, albeit along a very busy and deadly road. Also, I have ordered my third bike [wife rolls eyes, grumbles]. I went for a cheap and cheerful tank like beast. I’ll put up a photo when it arrives and I’ve kitted it out for commuting. Once I’m on the pedals, the next phase is to sell my beloved old Land Rover 110 Defender. I’ll miss the old girl but not the endless stream of money I have to pour into it.